Friday, May 19, 2006

So the long awaited Da Vinci Code hits theaters today. I have to admit that I am torn about said event. I have not finished the book yet, and generally as a rule of thumb I like read the book that a movie is based on before I see the movie. So I am planning on finishing the book regardless, but the question of whether I am going to see the movie at all still exists. The Vatican has called for a boycott, and while I'm not Catholic, I would like to at least honor that request. Yet another part of me feels that a boycott may constitute censorship. The Da Vinci Code is nothing more than moderately written fiction. To be perfectly honest, as a person of the
Christian faith, works like the Da Vinci Code only strengthen my faith. In fact I don't see them as entirely bad. When truth is being attacked as much as Christianity is attacked, and for as long as it has been attacked you know that validity exists. Why would someone dedicate this much time to go after core beliefs of the Christian faith? Putting the Christian faith on center stage like this is an opportunity for believers not a threat. We need to use this to show that while Hollywood can give you a good story, Christ gives you truth. Now we can't do it in the way that some have chosen, but the day that people stop attacking Christianity is a day I fear far more than what we are presently faced with. Having the opportunity to talk about and defend my faith is never a bad thing.
I may check out the Da Vinci Code, but I will always sit back and wonder (maybe with a smile on my face), why so many want to disprove my faith so badly. Why so many make it their life work to tell me that what I know is truth is in fact fiction. If you believe that it is fiction fine, than you are entitled to that belief, but who are you trying to convince by constantly researching and constantly arguing. If Christ wasn't who he says he was, and you know that, than what is the point? Why do you need me to believe that so badly? Are you trying to convince me, or are you trying to convince yourself? I believe that these attacks on my faith are people so desperately searching for something that disproving Christianity is the only thing that makes any sense. Believing would be way to illogical. Forty years from now the Da Vinci Code will be another book and movie in the span of time, but Christianity will still be the giuding force in my life.


At 5:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but Tom Hanks is so...Tom Hankseyish! How can he not shake your faith?!


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